Friday, September 11, 2015


I know, I know. I just posted a few days ago about how I wasn't going to be blogging for a while.
...I lied. 
But that is because, and ONLY because, yesterday and today were both very important days.

September 10: Yesterday was World Suicide Prevention Day. I have so many opinions that I keep to myself about suicide, one being the fact that I believe it is a selfish act. The act and attempt have both hurt the people around me, and myself as well. Besides the fact that I think it is selfish, I DO understand that it is, without-a-doubt, a REAL thing that goes on in this world. I am not close to understanding what it is like to want to take my life, for I have never had those thoughts, but I have seen the hurt and pain that comes from it. I have seen the misery that follows the act; I have seen the grief, the sorrow, the regret. I guess my whole point to this is the following:

You will never be too "messed up" to a point where God can't fix you. Seriously. No matter how bad stuff gets, or how distant people are, or how twisted your thoughts may seem, God will NEVER leave you. He won't. Ever. We sing a song at church that says: "life is worth the living, just because He lives". Can I get an AMEN??!!???!!!!? In all of these things, we are MORE than conquerors. You are here for a reason, and no one in this world has the right to tell you other wise, ESPECIALLY yourself. Many people believe we are our biggest enemies, and I think that is partially true. We are our own biggest critiques, but with the power of God we can overcome anything. Please don't ever forget: your value does not ever decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.
September 11: I stumbled upon a few pictures this morning. Here they are:

...are you in complete awe like I was? I have known the meaning of the rainbow since I was a baby who could barely run without tipping over, but I realized that not many people know the true meaning. A rainbow represents God's promise to His people. It was in the story of Noah's Ark, and He promised he would never flood the world again. It is the most beautiful representation of a promise that anyone could ever think of. Seriously, props to you God! Two rainbows were shining bright yesterday afternoon over where the two twin towers use to stand. This has to be one of the most amazing things I have ever lived to see. Today is a day to remember those who were, fourteen years ago, headed off to a normal day at work but never returned home to their families and loved ones. It's a day to remember to take a little extra time to tell those around you that you appreciate them, and care for the unconditionally. It's a day to remember to never take life for granted, and to be thankful for every individual day you have been blessed to carry on. It is a day to remember that no matter what you are going through, our God is just and righteous and faithful and will never leave us, because that is His promise. 




  1. You write so well Ashley! Just love to hear your views on different subjects! Very well written - so proud of you...💕
