Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Did you know that the word passion originally meant, in Latin, to suffer? It originated when they used it to describe Jesus's sufferings on the cross (I know you're all thinking of that one movie -  The Passion of the Christ...so am I). In today's culture we use the word passion to describe what we find bliss in, or what we enjoy indulging ourselves in. Imagine that- those definitions seem completely opposite. When I first heard the root meaning of passion, I began to think about how that even related to the definition I had in my head. Then the wheels in my head started turning and I came to this conclusion:

Our passions are molded by our greatest struggles. God takes what seem to be our biggest failures and turns them into great lessons. If our passions aren't molded by our own personal struggles, they come from the observation of others struggles. Why do people become nurses? They either: want to help others because they have seen someone be helped before, or want to help others because someone has failed to do so in the past. Why do people want to become counselors? Maybe they have been through a certain situation that gave them the knowledge they could use to help others going through a similar situation. I guess passions don't have to be found in a job, but those were things that came to mind. Maybe this is why everyone always says, "No matter what you do in life, be passionate about it!" 
They say you learn something new everyday, this was my something. Thanks for reading about my findings.


Mind-blown Ashley.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Restless - Because You Were Made For More

Dree. Brynn. Lindsey. Haley. Amelia. Andie. Lauren. Lacey. D'arce. Cheyenne. Ashlee. These girls. Let me tell you a little about how blessed I am to have these girls in my life.

We have just finished an 8 week series by Jennie Allen called Restless, which is an intense study on how to really find a purpose in your life specifically. After reaching out of our comfort zones and becoming vulnerable in our group discussions, we realized that we are all going through similar struggles and trials in our lives at this exact moment. Not only that, but we also realized that each and every one of us has a specific and significant purpose here on earth. We all matter, and we all significantly go through similar struggles together. If only these girls knew how much they have impacted my life...

I have learned so much over these past two months. I have learned different things from each and every one of these girls, and I hope they stick around to allow me to continue to grow through them. These girls took time out of their busy schedules every week to meet together to talk about God. That is amazing. Words cannot describe how thankful I am that these girls wanted to be a part of something like this, because lets be honest, it gets deep and personal and messy. Although that's the greatest part about this whole "living here on earth" thing. We are all a bunch of imperfect and broken people trying to get to know the only perfect thing that exists, and ever will exist. We all have a common root, which is God, and I think that is the greatest thing anyone could have in common.

My prayers for these girls is that they continue to run their race and to finish it strong. I love them all with my whole heart and cannot wait to see what the future holds for them.

To MY GIRLS: If you are reading this right now, here is a giant THANK YOU for being a part of this journey. You all have taken out of this study more than I could have ever imagined. Each and every one of you participated in the "uncomfortable", and hopefully it has made the uncomfortable comfortable. You have all been such an encouragement to me, and I now want to encourage you to keep it up!

“Great people do not do great things; God does great things through surrendered people.” -Jennie Allen


"Warm & Fuzzy" Ashley.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Philosophy Class 101

Well, here's a topic that I have a love/hate relationship with. Philosophy. Apparently it's a required unit for grade 12 on-level English students to be taught in my school district. Let's talk a little about this subject. Philosophers from the ancient times had all these theories on creation, free will, morals, higher powers, etc... and we have to learn about them. We have talked a lot about Dante's Inferno, and other philosophers that have scientific theories on our purposes and how we came to be. Our class discussions get pretty heated because this is clearly a touchy subject.

Reasons why I love it: 
1- It tests my faith. There are times when I don't know the answers to some of the questions, and sure it is not the greatest feeling, but no one knows every answer to every question. It is a bit discouraging in the moment, but it makes me want to learn more and more about WHY I believe what I believe. No more "I believe this because I grew up in a Christian home". Instead, I found I believe this because I have seen God work in my life, and in the people around me. My faith has become more personal and real. 
2- It teaches me to stand up for my faith. I always imagine God sitting in the classroom listening to the debate on whatever topic we are discussing that day. You would stand up for your friend if he was getting slandered, right? Well, that's what God tells us to do for Him. He says to never deny Him, because then He will deny you. [Matthew 10:33] HOWEVER, God also calls us to be still and trust in Him completely. [Psalm 46:10] Also in the Bible it says not to argue with a fool [Proverbs 26:4] Sooooo there are a lot of things to keep in mind when expressing your faith. I have learned to speak kindly with courage, and I found that when I speak, my words aren't coming from me, they are coming from God. 
3- God works in mysterious ways. You never know if something you say, or write, could plant a seed in someone's life. Getting to express your beliefs is pretty cool because you never know who will be at least interested, maybe even touched, by your words. 

Reasons why I hate it:
1- People are rude. It's frustrating when people not only disagree with your beliefs, but when they disrespect them too. Even if it's just the faint laughter among the kids in the corner, or the dirty expressions on classmate's faces; it's discouraging being put down in any situation. That's when you just have to remember: it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you. Seriously. All that matters is every time you stick up for God, he has a huge smile on his face. However- keep in mind you don't ever need to defend God, He is mighty enough to defend himself. 
2- Misunderstandings are not a rarity. Sure misunderstandings are a normal and daily thing, but some misunderstandings in this area could be fatal. A lot of people think that if you are a Christian, you have to be a perfect person. Other people think that Christians are all hypocrites and that they are just judgmental people all around. Those are two GIANT misunderstandings. First of all, there is no such thing as a perfect person. I don't care who you receive the information from, it is impossible. The only perfect person to ever walk this earth is Jesus. Second... okay let's get super honest here: when people ask what my "religion" is, I say I'm a Christian, no question. Dictionary.com defines religion as: "a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects." I don't necessarily look at myself as a religious person in that sense; I have a personal relationship with God. Sure I read my bible, and I (try) to follow the things that are written in it, which many other people also do, BUT my faith is so much deeper than that. It doesn't involve a "number of people". Just me, and God. Christians don't hate everyone who don't believe the same things as them, at least they shouldn't. They also don't hate people because of a certain sin they practice, at least they shouldn't. [Matthew 7:1-29] It breaks my heart to hear someone say things stereotyping "Christians", because it's usually just misinterpreted information. Even worse- sometimes that misinterpreted information leads to a hatred for God. *sniffle* 

All-in-all, this philosophy unit, no matter how teeth-clenching it was at times, was a good thing to experience and go through. I learned a lot about my faith and other's as well. I haven't completely finished the unit, we have an essay due in about two weeks exploiting our beliefs on all of these controversial topics. I am excited to start writing all of my thoughts down, I just hope I won't get marked off for excessive writing. *wink wink* I think the best thing I have learned from this unit is the fact that if you whole-heartedly believe in something, be proud of it. Not proud in a sense that will cause you to become arrogant, but proud knowing that your faith is unshakable. It's also really reassuring to know that you can back up your belief in contrast to other religions/beliefs out there. So there is my rant about this philosophy unit. 

I also just wanna add, shout-out to the people who gave me the nickname "The Holy Spirit" at my school. I hope I am living up to your definition that nickname holds. ;)


"The Holy Spirit" of Hamilton High School. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I keep thinking to myself: what should be my very first post on my new blog? Senior pictures? Graduation? Some sappy summary of my life from the moment I was born until now? I'm never good at starting things, especially something like this. It's not comfortable writing an entry knowing that anyone from around the world could be reading this at any moment after its published. But that's the great thing about courage, and there is also something great about being uncomfortable. You see, it is important to be uncomfortable, because after a while the uncomfortable becomes comfortable. That is what I am ultimately hoping to get out of this blog; I want to practice expressing myself in a way where no one can give me guidelines. Along with my love for design and photos, I simply want to document my life. I want to look back in years down the road and have memories of moments which are best preserved (in my opinion) through photos. I am starting a crazy big chapter in my life soon: college. No, I'm not going off to any prestigious university or anything...in fact I plan on living at home for as long as my parents will have me before they get sick of me. None-the-less, school is school, and I will be attending Chandler Gilbert Community College in the fall of 2015. Technically I shouldn't even be talking yet since I have yet to receive my high school diploma, but I do PLAN to graduate from Hamilton High School on May 27, 2015. (28 school days Ash...YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!) Not gonna lie, getting me to do my homework lately is like pulling teeth, except harder. In fact, I should probably be memorizing my senior speech that I have to present in front of my class on Thursday... AHHH. So, I guess, here's to the end of my awkward first blog post, and to the beginning of a courageous journey.

After all, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14


Beginner blogger.