Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I keep thinking to myself: what should be my very first post on my new blog? Senior pictures? Graduation? Some sappy summary of my life from the moment I was born until now? I'm never good at starting things, especially something like this. It's not comfortable writing an entry knowing that anyone from around the world could be reading this at any moment after its published. But that's the great thing about courage, and there is also something great about being uncomfortable. You see, it is important to be uncomfortable, because after a while the uncomfortable becomes comfortable. That is what I am ultimately hoping to get out of this blog; I want to practice expressing myself in a way where no one can give me guidelines. Along with my love for design and photos, I simply want to document my life. I want to look back in years down the road and have memories of moments which are best preserved (in my opinion) through photos. I am starting a crazy big chapter in my life soon: college. No, I'm not going off to any prestigious university or anything...in fact I plan on living at home for as long as my parents will have me before they get sick of me. None-the-less, school is school, and I will be attending Chandler Gilbert Community College in the fall of 2015. Technically I shouldn't even be talking yet since I have yet to receive my high school diploma, but I do PLAN to graduate from Hamilton High School on May 27, 2015. (28 school days Ash...YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!) Not gonna lie, getting me to do my homework lately is like pulling teeth, except harder. In fact, I should probably be memorizing my senior speech that I have to present in front of my class on Thursday... AHHH. So, I guess, here's to the end of my awkward first blog post, and to the beginning of a courageous journey.

After all, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14


Beginner blogger.


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