Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Speaking of Senior Year...

I have to say, high school was a long four years of my life. I learned a lot. I didn't necessarily learn a lot from actual school itself, but I learned a lot through experiences I encountered over the past four years. I learned never to walk UP the left side of the staircase. I learned to not worry about that one homework assignment I forgot to complete. I learned that babysitting is the best "job" you can have at this age. I learned girls are mean. I learned that keeping up with the current drama is pointless and exhausting. I learned that people are going to ridicule you no matter what you do. Best of all, I learned to be myself. (Super cliché, I know). But seriously, self expression is so warped now-a-days, it's sad. Just be yourself because I guarantee you're probably pretty awesome, and if you don't think so, just know the big man upstairs thinks so! [1 Samuel 16:7] Anyways, I've had my fair share of awkward phases throughout high school. At one point I dyed my hair blackish-brown, I like to call that my "mom can't tell me I can't dye my hair" phase. On the other end of the spectrum, I bleached my entire head of hair (not too long ago), and I call that my "wanna-be Barbie" phase. It's funny how day by day nothing really changes, but when you look back years at a time, everything seems so different. 

Now, here are some of my senior pictures. This phase is unnamed at the moment, because it is the present. 

can't wait to look back in a year or so and give this phase a name. 

Thank you to my dear friend / "Godfather", Bob Upton, for taking my senior pictures! Love you with all my heart.


Soon to be high school graduate. 


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