Saturday, May 16, 2015

10 Necessary Things to Know Before Entering High School

My sister, Alyssa, is moving up from 8th grade to high school... and I think I'm more nervous than she is. I have learned a giant amount of "stuff" throughout these past four years, so I wrote a list of things she needs to know, and I thought I should share!

10 Necessary Things to Know Before Entering High School:
1 - Above all else: have an accountability partner. I found this out the hard way because I did not have someone to keep me accountable in my faith, responsibilities, and values until my senior year. Have someone who you can completely trust with all the little secrets, and who can help keep you on the right track. 
2 - Don't worry about your reputation. After four years of exhausting work of trying to establish a name for yourself, you'll find your reputation disappears the moment you walk across that stage in a cap and gown. 
3 - Do it for yourself, not others. Try not care about what others think of you. Do what you enjoy doing and don't let anyone trip you up. No matter what you do, you will be ridiculed. 
4 - Listen to your parents. It's hard, trust me... I know. Somehow they always end up being right.
5 - Don't risk it, and learn to say no. Temptations are going to be around every corner, literally. The "cool" thing to do usually involves something either illegal, or just something that could get you in trouble.  I promise, it is never worth the consequences.
6 - Respect yourself, and earn respect. Respect is not handed to you, it is earned. Treat others how you want to be treated no matter what situation you are in. 
7 - Be post-conscience. By this, I mean be aware that whatever you post on any website or social media site can be tracked and traced back to your name by ANYONE!! If you wouldn't want your mom reading it, don't post it. 
8 - "In 10 years, none of this will matter." I have lived by those words all throughout high school. Those temporary feelings of loneliness, sadness, disappointment, unsureness... they go away. Don't allow yourself to feel left out because in a year, heck even a month, you won't even remember what you were left out of. 
9 - Choose your friends VERY wisely. By the end of high school, you will be able to count your true friends on a single hand. It's a bittersweet thing losing all of those friends you enter high school with, but you have to learn to be thankful for the friends you do have that are there for you in the end. 
10 - Last, but certainly not least, DATING ADVICE! Primarily girls: Dating is okay (as long as it is okay with your parents)!!! I think an essential part of growing up is experiencing what it is like to be in a relationship, but for some that doesn't come until after high school. Make a list of requirements, set certain boundaries, and don't settle for less than what you deserve. 

Ok, I lied. I have 11:
Don't compare yourself to anyone. There will always be someone bigger, taller, smarter, prettier, more tan, more athletic, or more fit than you...(the list goes on forever). If you are constantly comparing yourself to those around you, you will never find satisfaction in yourself. Going along with that, don't feel that you are entitled to anything, because no one is lesser than you. Love the people you are surrounded with, no matter how hard it is at times. 

My hope is that this reaches someone who needs it!

Girl Who Is SO Ready To Graduate.  


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